Safety Documents
- Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) Part IV
- MAAC Safety Documents (MSDs)
- EMFSO Safety Rules
- RPAS Wilco Site Survey for Crosswinds Field
- MAAC Site Operating Certificate (SOC) for Crosswinds Field

Flight Requirements
- Current EMFSO Crosswinds membership
- Valid MAAC Membership
- Successful flight check by an EMFSO instructor
- Transport Canada (TC) small remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS) BASIC Pilot Certificate (PC)
- Your model registered and marked with TC RPAS number
- Compliance with Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs), MAAC Safety Documents (MSDs), and EMFSO Safety Rules
Crosswinds Field is conveniently located in the City of Vaughan on northwest corner of Dufferin Street
and King Vaughan Road. The entrance is 1560 King Vaughan Road.